Status : Completed
Rating :
Sorry for the inconvenience. Please elaborate further for us to investigate the situation properly. Kindly let us know where she had been ill treated(in Kuwait or Istanbul). If it was in Kuwait please let us know whether it was by Airline staff, Airport Staff or MOH staff.
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Created : 2020-12-19 01:52 am
Creator : Hamda Issa-salwe
Subject : Complaint
Im complaining about the treatment my mother Hawa Issa-Salwe received from your staff boarding Kuwait Airlines flight KU152 8th November. She was humiliated, threatened, abused and intimidated by staff who took away her belongings and forced her to spend €100 on insurance. We tried complaining to the airport and via Twitter last month but didn’t get replies so I want to escalate my complaint urgently. I do not appreciate the lack of response from your twitter team on this, please email me soon